I had been waiting to post until I had time to put pictures on too, but if I do that you may just be waiting FOREVER! Here is a little of what has been going on:
On December 9th we celebrated Micah's 3 year Famiversary! I can not believe that it has been 3 years since my baby boy was placed in my arms FOREVER! He is growing into an amazing little man and is SO smart, too smart for his own good sometimes :).
Delson is doing GREAT in school. I am so happy that we moved him to a smaller, private school. It was the BEST decision we ever made, the difference is like day and night. He was in a Christmas program for school this week and was a wise man. He did great and was the kid singing SUPER loud without really knowing all the words :)
Sitota just finished with her first semester of ballet. She is taking it at a local church and has really liked it. She continues to LOVE reading and also drawing. She is busy practicing for a musical she is going to be in at the end of January:)
Scott and I have been busy preparing for our mission trip to Haiti, we will leave the day after Christmas and will return on New Years Eve. I can not wait to see what God has in store for us and who he has already chosen to cross our path.
I pray everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!! - Melissa