One thing that we have learned throughout this adoption is that WE are NEVER in control of what happens...or doesn't happen. We have had to learn to depend on others. God has been and will be our only hope in the adoption and every aspect of our lives and this process has made us realize that more than ever. We have to be comforted in knowing that he has a plan and everything will happen in His time. This has been a hard thing to accept at times, but we are really trying.
The other "rock" that we are depending on is Mr.Rock Cayo, the director at the ANA "O". Rock is truly our Haitian Angel. We have a sense of relief in knowing that he is doing everything in his power to get Jean Delson home with us. Just this week we learned that the most recent letter we had to write to IBESR is in the hands of Rock and that he is going to personally deliver it to the powers that be and plead our case with them. This is such a comfort and truly an answer to our prayers. We feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders knowing that Rock is handling this situation. Thank God...thanks Rock
Pray that we have some good news soon...we all know it is much needed. ~Melissa
Melissa and Scott you are going on a journey. God will walk you both throw all of this. When you have Jean Delson home with you know the journey was all were'th it. May God be with you both. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
God Bless you
I am praying for you guys!
Great work.
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