Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well, after a lot of thinking, praying and information gathering Scott and I have began a new journey. We have been talking with our social worker out of Milwaukee about our options and we have decided to pursue another international adoption program. Yesterday we sent in our application to a WONDERFUL agency, Better Future Adoption Services. BFAS is an agency that does Ethiopian adoptions. They are great to work with and are experts in Ethiopian adoptions, because that is all they do. We have started gathering our dossier paperwork...again and hope to send it all to them by the end of August. Then the wait will begin! We are requesting an infant between the age of 0-12 months, but are open to gender. Needless to say there will be many surprises! We will keep you all posted along the way. The estimated timeline is 4-6 months from when we turned in our application until we will travel to bring our baby home. We are both very excited and a little scared, but we know our future is in God's hands and we have a sense of relief in knowing that.
We continue to pray for Jean Delson, all the ANA families that are waiting to bring their children home and all the people of Haiti! ~Melissa


Leslie said...

Wow--fantastic news!! I am praying that God brings you the child who is meant to be in your home.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Leslie, We wish you and Scott the very best in the new adoption. mom and dad