Finally I have been Tagged!!! I have been waiting forever :-) Thanks Josh and Kara : http://pattersonsofethiopia.blogspot.com/
So here are 7 random things you may or may not know:
1. In high school I played Bruce the Spruce the talking Christmas tree at Younkers. It was always fun to have to come up with a creative reason as to why Bruce talked like a girl...
2. In 2006 I won a Jo to Go contest to come up with a slogan. And the winning billboard read: The Quicker Perker Upper!! Pretty cool huh? I got to have billboards all around WI with my name and slogan for a full month. I also got a pretty cool gift basket.
3. My first time on a plane was when Scott and I flew to San Francisco in October 2003. I was also surprised by an engagement ring on that trip! (Love ya Luvey)
4. I have only had flowers delivered to me at work 1 time. It was my birthday a few years back and I thought they were going to be from my husband, so I proclaimed that if they were not I would marry whoever they were from...sorry Danette, but I am going to have to stick with Scott!
5. Soon I will get to retire from the corporate life and be a stay at home mom. I can not wait to play all day!!! I don't want to grow up....
6. In my senior year of high school I had some art work at the John Micheal Kohler Art Center. They would showcase 2 seniors from each school and I was one of them!
7. I have never had a real Christmas tree... I am not sure if I ever want one, just never had one.
Now I need to Tag some others, so here it goes:
Ok, so I know that is not 7, but I am not sure if there are any other bloggers that read this :-). Enjoy the night ~ Melissa
Hey, you're supposed to leave comments on our blogs saying you've tagged us. Is it a test to see if we really read your blog?? :) So, I answered your questions on my blog.
Hey, you're supposed to leave comments on our blogs saying you've tagged us. Is it a test to see if we really read your blog?? :) So, I answered your questions on my blog.
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