Monday, August 9, 2010

Really Bad Blogger!

I know...almost a full month without a post. I should be ashamed! We have had a very busy month. Story times at the library, a visit to grandma and grandpa Troedel's house, my grandmother's passing, camping with a fellow adoptive family, and lots of things in between. We have also been dealing with several behavioral issues with Delson that I will get into at a later date. Anyhow, I will try to post some pics soon and keep you all better informed!! Chow for now - Melissa

1 comment:

Karen & Brad Hernke said...

Don't feel bad Melissa....I was just telling Brad the other day I'm a bad blogger!!! I just updated it today...finally. I'm want to try to get better at it. I LOVE your new layout. Also, I want you to know I think of you all often and pray for you!! LOVE YOU:)
