With the new year brings resolutions. This year I have several areas I would like to work on. Most are goals regarding how to become Happy again, I feel I have lost the Joy I used to have and really want to work on getting it back! 2010 was a year of MANY changes for us and I would be lying if I told you I have adjusted to all of them well and am Joyful for what I have been given all the time. This year I REALLY want/need a change in attitude more than any other changes :) Here are the goals I will have posted to review everyday:
1. Laugh more and Yell less
2. Listen more and Talk less
3. This is a tough one to even type, but I want to learn to LOVE my son (Delson). You see everything about Delson's adoption has been hard. The process, the years of waiting, behavior issues, attachment issues, RAD, etc. I have struggled to attach and see past the behaviors and LOVE my broken, but perfectly as God planned little boy. This year I will do EVERYTHING I can to help him and help me to accept him.
4. Make a difference in the life of a stranger.
5. Make time for myself to do things I enjoy(ed) doing. I have felt like I never have time for me anymore and I know that I would be happier if I would just make a little time to get back to things I have always enjoyed!
6. Workout videos HERE I COME :)
This is a list that I will not take lightly and will be posting them and reviewing them everyday so that I do not forget about these things that are SO important. Here is wishing everyone a HAPPIER NEW YEAR!! - Melissa