When we began the adoption journey of Naika we were aware that it was a "special needs" adoption. We were told she had Developmental Delays that they believed were due to severe malnourishment and that the damage may be reversible due to her young age and the fact that she is now getting proper nutrition. Yesterday that all changed with one call from our agency. This week Maison (the orphanage Naika is at) had a pediatric specialist come into the facility and she was able to finally give Naika a proper exam and diagnosis. We were told that she had oxygen deprivation at birth and fetal alcohol syndrome. According to this therapist, Naika will most likely require speech, occupational and physical therapy. What this now means is that she will have a lifetime of challenges and will require a lot of care and therapy. WOW....it took us a little by surprise and we were not sure how to react at first. Scott and I both did some research on FAS and had a 2 hour long talk last night about what is right for our family. We talked about our fears, our hopes, and our desires for Naika's adoption. When we first started down this path we KNEW we were being called to adopt again, what was also VERY obvious to us was that we were not just being called to adopt but specifically adopt Naika. You see there was a lot of divine intervention that took place that got us to where we are at already. Now we are armed with this new knowledge that we will be adding a child to our family that is special needs and facing the decision of if we are capable of what we have been chosen for. In the end we have decided to be faithful to what we feel so strongly led to and are thankful that God has allowed us to be armed with this knowledge so we can have time to prepare for the adventure ahead. We have to trust in Him and that He will guide us through this.
1 comment:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4
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