Friday, August 3, 2012

Blame it on the Sun

It has been a LONG time since my last post and I can only blame the summer sun :) We have had a VERY hot, sunny summer and that has kept me Very busy with the kids. We spend most of our days playing outside, which means I am tired out by the time I get them to bed and really don't think too much about blogging. Sorry, to my faithful followers :) but I will try harder to keep you updated. In the adoption world, we are just waiting on finger print appointments which were delayed due to our home study not making it to USCIS when it was supposed to. We are now back on track with that, but PRAYERS are needed that our appoinment comes SOON as we are supposed to travel in September for court and embassy and can not do that without this VITAL information. Providing we get approval in time, we will leave September 23 and by September 24th we will be holding our little girl and spend a week with her in Haiti!!! I can NOT wait!!! I So long to wrap my arms around that little princess!!! As far as fundraising we have a WONDERFUL opportunity for everyone to be able to help. There are some wonderful, HUGE hearted girls (Sarah and Rachel) that make handmade crocheted hats and other items to help orphans. They have offered to donate 100% of ALL sales made on Naika's behalf toward her adoption. We need ALL of you to keep them REALLY busy by visiting their blog, checking out their items and ORDERING :) Here is the link to their blog: Make sure when you place your order that you mention that you would like the proceeds to go toward Naika's adoption. They will do custom orders, so just let them know what you need!! Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. They are much needed and we can feel the prayers every step of the way!!! Be Blessed - Melissa

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