Friday, June 27, 2008

Road Blocks**

Well, where do I start. We went to the meeting on the WI special needs adoption program last night. It was very informative and we thought it would be the perfect fit for our family. After class, we went to talk with the social worker who ran the session to try to explain the process we are currently in with our Haiti adoption. She said that they would prefer that we not start the special needs program until Jean Delson is home and settled in...UGH. That was certainly not the answer we wanted to hear. Seeing that we have absolutely NO timeline for when Jean will be home, we were hoping to be able to start (and most likely complete) an adoption with the state before Jean is even home! We are both so frustrated we do not know what to do. We are getting NOWHERE with Haiti and now can not start with WI until Haiti is done. All we want to do is share our love with a child who needs a forever that so wrong?!?!? In a time that is supposed to be so happy and exciting, having a child and starting your family, who would have thought we would have so much grief. I am not sure what the answers are anymore.....~Melissa


Aves @ Call of the Phoebe said...


I just wanted to say Hi. I also live in your state and I am adopting two girls from Haiti. One is in MOI and the other hopefully will soon be in Parquet. Maybe when they are all home we can have a state party for all our Haitian children.


Melissa said...

Hi Aves!!

It would be Great to get our kiddos together! You should send me an email so we can keep in touch!