Saturday, November 7, 2009

We passed....well sort of

We had court in Ethiopia for Sitota yesterday and our agency called to tell us we did pass. However, there was an error in our paperwork, so they will not issue our adoption decree until next week when the corrected paperwork is handed in. This means that our adoption DID go through and we are now the parents of a little Ethiopian princess...but, you will have to wait to see any pictures of her until we get the adoption decree :) So hold tight for another week and then I promise we will post TONS of pics of our beautiful little girl. This also means that we now know our travel dates: We will travel December 12-19 and have her embassy appointment on December 17th! Another GREAT Christmas present!!!! Melissa


Kimberly and Bob said...

Hello Melissa. Saw your comment at the Landfair's blog.

We had our court date on Thursday, so we are traveling to Ethiopia soon as well.

Good luck to you. We are staring to blog our adventure at:


George said...

WOW - PASSED COURT AND TRAVEL/EMBASSY DATES!!! Huge, happy news - so very happy for you!

Leila Wylie said...

How amazing! Congrats!!