Sitota continues to do wonderful. She is doing great in school and just seems to do so well to the change. She trys to be very helpful with the boys, although I make sure to let her know that I can/will do the things for them so she does not feel like she has to "mother" them. I want her to have her childhood. She is doing great at learning to read and is speaking a LOT of English now. There are very few things she will not eat, which is nice and she now enjoys taking hot lunch with the other girls. It is fun to hear her talk about her friends :)
Micah is going to be 2 at the end of the month and it shows! He is in to everything! We have resorted to putting locks on the fridge and stove to keep him from going in them constantly. He is testing his boundaries, which is normal. He remains very active and talkative...boy does he talk a lot.
Scott and I are trying to remain strong and support each other. He was recently ill, which proved to be difficult for both of us but lucky it only lasted 2 days. I have a cold and am very tired, but I know that this will pass and things will work out. We are going through a very challenging time, but with the grace of God and the help of family and friends we will make it through and grow stronger! Better run the popcorn is almost gone and I will need to start running around again...I really enjoyed this 10 minutes of rest :)Melissa
Praying for your family. I remember those days with Wubitu; tantrums, destruction, attitude, lack of sleep. It was the most difficult time in my life, and made me question who I was as a person and my true capacity to love. It was a stretching and growing time that was not comfortable at all. What a blessing that Sitota's transition has been so smooth! God knew you would need extra patience for Delson! Seriously praying for your family!
We are praying for you guys! Your family has been in our thoughts constantly. I can't even imagine how much change, etc is going on in your home at the moment. But I am sure it will all come together. Praying!! Your family photo is beautiful!
I cannot even imagine. Praying you all have strength during this BIG adjustment will hopefully get easier each and every day that goes by with all three of your angels safe in your arms and home!
I Melissa trying this for G
Melissa - I will be praying for you! I had many, many hard days with my son when we brought him home from ET. I spent countless hours crying, questioning, whining and asking God, "Why?". If you ever need someone to talk to about those hard days, I am hear to lend an ear and maybe give you some encouragement. We are doing so much better today (10 months later)! Hang in there.
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