Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Imaginary Friends,Identity Crisis',and Talk of Marriage

I have had several funny conversations with my little ones over the past few days. Here are a few examples:

Librarian to Micah: "What is your name little fella?"
Micah: "Delson!"
Me: "Your name is not Delson!?!"
Micah: "Micah silly..Me Micah!"

Lady in the mall to Delson: "Aren't you handsome. Where are you from?"
Delson: "Ethiopia!"
Me: "No Delson, you were born in Haiti"
Delson: "No...Yeah!"

The kids answers to who they will marry:
Micah: "Emily and Gracie." (looks like we will need to move to a different state!)
Delson: "Sitota" (again, marrying your sister is not allowed in WI!)
Sitota: "I am too young to know that" (PERFECT answer!!!)

Micah also has his first imaginary friend. His name is Mr Grace and he has been hiding in Delson's bed. It was hard to explain to Sitota what an imaginary friend was and that we could not really see him. Mr.Grace joined us for dinner tonight and lucky for us, he does not eat much!! I will do my best to post some pics soon!-Melissa

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