Today was such a special and wonderful Mothers Day for so many reasons. It was my first Mothers Day as a mom of 3 rather than 1 and there are so many things that happened to touch my heart! My kiddos all wanted to spend some of their "own" money on gifts for me so Scott took them to the Dollar Tree (let's face it, they don't have a big income yet!) and let them choose their own gifts. Sitota had made me a poster at school that says all sorts of things she Loves about me and then she bought me some lotion and ice cream! Delson made me a hand art work project in school and bought me circus peanuts and sixlets. Micah proudly presented me with an open box of gummy lifesavors(I guess he needed to make sure they were good!) and a NutRoll. All the candy was Great, they really know what I love :).
Today we also had dedication at church for Sitota and Delson. It is so special to be able to dedicate the children back to God on such a memorable day. It just so happens that Micah was dedicated last Mothers Day! We had lots of family join us for the service at church and were then able to enjoy some time with them after at our home. The weather was beautiful, so we were able to let the kiddos all play and sit and enjoy lunch outside. Was great to catch up with everyone.
After everyone left and we had a chance to clean up I begged Scott to take us to the local zoo and park(it did not take too much convincing!). This was Delson and Sitota's first visit to the zoo and they LOVED it. It was really fun watching their reactions to the animals. They really enjoyed feeding the goats and sheep. After the zoo we walked over to the park and all had a great time playing.
Ended the day with pizza supper outside along with handmade Frappes. Then inside for an episode of Little House on the Prairie.
I could not ask for a better day. I am so thankful to 3 Very special ladies who made this all possible: Verigene (Delson's Haitian Mommy), Worke (Sitota's mommy who is with our Heavenly Father), and Micah's Ethiopian Mommy (though we do not know her name, she is always in our hearts!). Without the gift they gave me I would not be celebrating this day as a Mother...Thank you is not enough! - Melissa
awww...tears...loved this post:)
Love the picture and the post!!! Miss you all!
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