I LOVE shoes! I remember when I used to buy a new pair of shoes and rush home to put them on. I would basically "show off" my new shoes everywhere. Over the years things have changed...less money and different priorities have meant few NEW shoes for this mommy. I got the shoes pictured above for Christmas and Just now broke them out...of course I could not wear them today because I did not want to get them wet in the rain or take a chance they would get dirty. This is not the first time I have SAVED new shoes in fear they would not be New anymore. Christmas of 2008 I got a pair of shoes for Christmas, not just any shoes but TOMS (look them up if you do not know them!), and I first wore them about 3 months ago in fear they would get dirty or I would wreck them and would no longer have them. This is not exactly an earth changing post, but just a funny thing I noticed :) Tomorrow though, I will wear my NEW shoes with pride and Not care if they get a little dirt on them! Melissa
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