Sunday, November 30, 2008

Next week at this time...

On Friday we had a very unexpected call from Agitu, our agency director. She said that she feels we should not have to wait until January 8th to bring Micah home and there is no reason that we can not have him home for Christmas. She left for Ethiopia on Saturday and will be contacting us as soon as she can verify the exact date, but she is thinking that she can get us into the Embassy for our appointment on the 11th of December! That would mean that next week at this time, we could be on a plane to Ethiopia on the way to meet our son and bring him home! So this weekend we have been running around trying to tie up loose ends and arrange transportation to the airport for next weekend (thanks Andy and Amy!), call the doggy sitters and make sure the new dates would work for them, get together our travel supplies (thanks Josh and Kara!) and make sure we are ready to go and to bring Micah home! Busy...busy. I will post again when we know for sure our dates! Have a blessed day! ~Melissa


meg said...

oh my gosh! that's just the most wonderful news!

Bergmama said...

That is so exciting!!!!! I hope the planning is going well!