Today is a very special day in the Troedel house. It is Scott's 35th birthday...that's right, he is half way to 70 :) It also happens to be Ethiopian New Year, so it is now the year 2002! The Ethiopian calendar is based on the beliefs of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and therefore differs from the calendar used in western countries (such as the U.S.). A notable difference is that the Ethiopian calendar is approximately seven years and eight months behind the western calendar - January 1 according to the Ethiopian calendar falls on our September 11. So if we lived in Ethiopia Scott would only be 28 today :). Micah surprised Scott by learning to say Happy Day Da-da and also made him a special present (something he has worked on for 3 weeks now!). Micah also wanted to buy his daddy a pizza for his birthday (it is Micah's favorite thing), but I talked him into getting him Dots instead. He also got a new netbook! Happy Birthday Luvey!!! Melissa
Thanks for the birthday wishes! Scott
Dude, You got Dots for your birthday. Your son rocks.
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