Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On the Way

We got word today from BFAS that our updated home study is officially on its way to Ethiopia as of yesterday!! Yippee. That is the last document that was needed to file us for court. There is still some confusion as to when the courts are going to re-open...they either opened yesterday or are going to open on October 6th. The office in MN is waiting to hear back from the staff in ET as to when the courts are open. What we do know is that we are one HUGE step closer to bringing home our little princess!! We have gotten some GREAT pictures recently from families that have traveled and are going to be getting more soon!!! YEAH!!! Melissa


JourneyToNumberThree said...

how exciting! boy, it is just moving right along ( ;

awojtowski said...

Congrats. Hopefully there will not be a big back log in the courts. Praying all goes well.