WONDERFUL! Micah has come such a long way in the almost 3 weeks we have been home. He is increasing his "baby" vocabulary. When we first met he would say a few things: Wa-Wa (bottle), Ba-ba (daddy in Amharic), Da-da (daddy in English), and hi. He now says Bye, Yes(although not always at the appropriate time!) and Hmm-Bop (this was new tonight and so cute)! He also waves, sometimes blows kisses and today he started to give Scott and me real kisses (nice open mouthed, drooly kisses). He also does high 5s. He is still not really interested in crawling, he would prefer to go straight to walking...but still needs to hold our fingers for that feat. He also LOVES shopping, of course this makes his mommy Very happy! It is so great to see him making so much progress in such a short time. I also think that we have gotten the sleep thing just about down...we have gotten to sleep through the past 3 nights and not had to get up until around 7!!! He used to get Very upset when we would try to lay him down in his crib, but now he just wants someone there for a few minutes to make sure he is settled in and then it is off to slumber land. Still no teeth, but we think he may be getting one real soon. Below are a few random pictures! Enjoy ~Melissa

So sweet! I'm glad you all are doing well!
he is just so cute! so happy he's adjusting so quickly!
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