Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Tooth!!! (and a video)

Micah cut his first tooth today!!!! It is the bottom center tooth on the left side. He has been having a rough time the past few days with the teething pains, but now he has the first one out of the way.
Scott and I are doing a Faith story on our adoption journey this Sunday at church. We have prepared a video with some thoughts and pictures from our trip. Here is a You-Tube link to the video...enjoy!!


Gina said...

Awesome video, Melissa!! I love the last photo of Micah. Where do you and Scott go to church? Is someone video taping your faith story? I'd love to see/hear it. I love God at Work stories. Hope things are well with you. We'll try to make it to the adoption group next month. This past week was crazy.

mydogteaser said...

That was so cool and gave me chills. Great job, Mel! I want to see my nephew again soon. We should figure out a day for a playdate.

meg said...

thanks for sharing the video! it's fabulous!

Melissa said...

I am really glad that everyone is enjoying the video.
Gina - We go to River Valley in that you mention taping the faith story, we are going to ask someone (thanks for the idea). We need to set up a play date again!
Heidi - We would LOVE to have a play date. We can talk about it at Kensie's party next Sunday!