Thursday, January 14, 2010

In the Middle

When we decided to adopt Sitota we knew that we would keep her birth name for her. We had discussed what middle name we would give her and had decided on Eden....until she came home! She definitely has opinions on things and knows what she likes and what she doesn't like and she does not like the middle name Eden! So, over the last few days we have been trying out a bunch of different names and of course having fun with it by using things like Sitota Elephant Troedel! She had a few names she liked, mostly names of the friends she has made in the US. Today she decided on her new middle name..Mommy's middle name!! So, the official name will be Sitota Lynn Troedel!! I guess we will have to save Eden for our next girl :) Just kidding, Scott!!- Melissa


Karen & Brad Hernke said...

OMG...that just melts my sweet:)

Love you,

Kimberley said...
