Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Journey Home...

Hi Everybody, Micah here, signing in for the last time because Mommy, Daddy and Sitota are almost here! We just ate dinner and I got dressed to go to the airport. Mommy just called to say that they are safely in Detroit, so only 2 more hours until they are here, woohoo!

Thanks for letting me blog while Mommy was away, and, who knows, maybe I might sneak one in some time ;-)
Lots of hugs and love,



Leslie said...

Yay!! So excited for you to meet your new big sister soon!

Unknown said...

Thanks again Kris for taking care of Micah. Loved the blogs..grandama and bubba Troedel

Joshua Grover-David Patterson said...

Micah, I can't wait to play with you and your big sister .... Love, Mihret (and my mommy and daddy say hi and they can't wait to see you all too)