Hi Everybody, Micah here. Yesterday was pretty uneventful, so I decided to take a day off from blogging. Well, we are on day 4 and I'm still doing great! Less than a week until Mommy, Daddy and Sit(ota) come home. I can't wait, and that reminds me that I need to start working on my surprise for them. I was very excited to hear that Mommy and Daddy sent an email to say that they are there safely and enjoying their time with Sitota.
I am having a great time. This morning, my "first" breakfast consisted of three waffles, among other things. I love saying waffles over and over again for Kris. I've been running around like crazy and taking 2 1/2 hour naps. I would sleep longer but Kris keeps waking me up because she says she wants me to get a good night's sleep. That hasn't been a problem either! I can't wait to tell Mommy and Daddy what a big boy I am! I no longer what to be held or rocked when I go to bed. I just say "sleep", crawl into bed, and fall right asleep (ok, I do like it when Kris rubs my back and my temple, just like Mommy told her to do)!

Hope you all are enjoying these last days of 2009. Lots of love and catch you all tomorrow,
I love the Micah posts! Looks like he's having a great time with his friends :)
Micha...your always mowing the snow...I love it!!! Glad you are being soo good while mom and dad are gone:) Enjoy your time with your friends!!!
Love ya,
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