Monday, December 14, 2009

Expect the Unexpected

If there is one thing we have learned throughout these adoption journeys, it is to never plan on anything. Today, for example, we got an email saying that all of our documents are filed with the Embassy and they issued us an embassy date of December 31st!!! That is 2 weeks earlier than we thought we would be leaving. We are excited, but now we have to put everything into high gear. Calling airlines, getting the sitter lined up (for Micah and Pepe'), canceling Christmas at our house (since we won't be here that day!)...the list goes on and on. We are so excited to go and get our little princess!!! Melissa


Karen & Brad Hernke said...

Awesome news!!!! Has to be the best gift ever. If you need anything just ask. Brad and I are here to help also....with ANYTHING!!! I'm SOOOOOO happy for you...u have to be on cloud nine. Praying for you all everyday:)

Love you all,

milreb said...

Yeah!! How wonderful!! We are in the same boat. Hurry up and wait. Then GO! Congratulations!

Leslie said...

WOO HOO!!! It is truly unexpected for something to happen earlier than expected!! YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! Praying for all these things that need to happen and for the exciting times ahead with your family!

George said...

WOW - that's 2 weeks sooner to hug your sweet little girl! THAT IS SO EXCITING - best of luck getting things ready for the big trip!

Joshua Grover-David Patterson said...

We will see you tomorrow to drop off the bag! Hugs from K, J, M