Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our Daughter (take 2!)

We got word today that we DID pass court in Ethiopia!!! We will travel soon to go and bring our little girl home. Here is a picture of Sitota Eden Troedel to bring a smile to your face!!! Melissa


Angel said...

Yeah! We are so very happy for you!!!

George said...

She is a beauty...what a lovely smile...she glows! So very happy for you and your new daughter!!!

Patty said...


Shelly said...

To God be the GLORY!!!!! YES!!!!

The Thomsen Family said...

Hi there!
We are a family from BFAS waiting for our court date and recognized your new daughter in some of the pictures from traveling families. She is so beautiful. I love her smile! My hometown is Wautoma, WI and my a lot of my family lives in Oshkosh! What a small world. We are in Mpls. and waiting for our two little girls to come home. Would you mind taking a few pics of them when you travel. My heart aches for them. My email address is: Shoot me an email and I can give you their info. Congrats, again!

milreb said...

A BEAUTIFUL child of God. It is particularly wonderful to see older kids going home. Congratulations!!

Leslie said...

What a sweetheart! Congratulations!!

Karen & Brad Hernke said...

She really has such a pretty smile....I'm sooo excited to meet her and hug her!!! God Bless you all.....

Love, Karen & Brad

Joshua Grover-David Patterson said...

We can't wait to meet her!